PMFA Featured in Current
The work and progress of Public Media for All has recently been featured in Current. This extensive review also featured honest and courageous interviews with senior leaders from several organizations that have joined PMFA, including Jim Schachter from NHPR, Amy Shaw and Kate Midgett from Nine PBS, and Steve Bass and Jenn Chávez from OPB. PMFA fully supports conversations that showcase the real challenges of this essential work, as well as sharing lessons learned.
“According to the coalition, more than 75% of the organizations have gone on to complete three of the recommended changes, which include incorporating commitments to DEI work in their mission and values statements, goals, budgets and work schedules; affirming that rapidly diversifying programming, audiences, donors, staff and leadership is imperative to their survival and success; and compensating all interns.
Public Media for All has also launched a peer group pilot project for smaller groups to meet monthly. “This new project was identified by PMFA and the participating organizations as the best way to provide themselves with more accountability and support,” the coalition said. ”